We are the generation of technology, and we have brought down, or some would say that we helped out, other, older generations with us. As you can tell technology isn't always great, sometimes things fail, get lost or misinterpreted, and sometimes they're really confusing to try and understand.Well, technology is definitely something that is an idol to us and can become very harmful in our walk with God. Whether it be accidentally seeing something and then making it a habit, or doing it purposefully, it could be that we even post good things but we just get too caught up in it that it hinders us and becomes a bad thing because we aren't spending enough time with God.
Technology can be good sometimes, it helps us reach people and makes us stronger when we just need a friend that happened to move away. It helps me when I'm writing for God, and writing for you guys because I get to share the gospel, thank God. It can be a helpful tool when doing math problems, looking up words, and learning all around.
God is not like technology, He can be compared to in it ways but honestly He is greater. He doesn't run out of battery, He doesn't need updates and He doesn't need or lose connection when it seems like we need Him most. We don't have to ask Him if He can "hear us now" because He's always listening. If we can't hear Him, we do have a lost connection, but it's our fault for that, because He is always here to listen and reply. He may not reply immediately but He will when the time is right. You don't need to charge Him and you don't have to worry about forgetting Him at home. Though, we can't save the messages for later in a sense, He is very patient with us and waits for us for when we have time, He won't always wait forever though. His storage is never to full for our problems, memories and knowledge He's given us. He deserves, demands and a long time ago earned, more than any respect, and loyalty than we could ever offer Him.
While yes technology is great as I said, God is greater. We can always use technology to further the Kingdom but I'll add on what I said in the earlier paragraphs, we could hinder our walk. I struggle with this at times. If you stroll my social media accounts, you'll see strings of godly posts about salvation, overcoming things, and stuff of that nature. But if I don't spend quality time with Him, and dig into the word, I won't be ready for my next spiritual battle. That could even make me fall in my walk with God. Don't be fooled, many people do these things, it's not just you, and it's not just me; we just have to fix it while we can. I fall short but God helps me learn and in turn can help you guys learn through my mistakes. At times we don't see how God can turn so much pain into goodness, but He does that with us. We go through something just to help someone else go through the same thing, and that as the saying goes "puts another jewel in our crowns".
I believe technology is both a blessing and a curse. We can spend hours on end looking at our phones, computer etc. searching the internet, looking on social media platforms, finding friends in other countries because we fake who we really are, some people are too afraid to show themselves in the real world, but not over the phone. Our generation is capable of doing horrible things with social media at times. Not always is it so bad, we can use it for helpful things, but too many people take advantage and ruin it for others. Technology is one big distraction from God, now is the time people, and I have to do it too, we have to run like we never have before and never look back. We have to serve the LORD like we never have before, before it's too late. Because the clock is ticking people.
Don't be afraid to reach out to that person that's been stuck on your mind for days. You don't know how much they need your prayers, even if they're far away, that's a perk of technology, you can still reach out. One little prayer message, one little 'I'm praying for you' could be all they need to be saved. Sometimes all people want to know is that somebody loves them. Show them that you and JESUS both do. Just listen to God, put your spiritual earbuds in and block everything else out, God won't lead you in the wrong direction. I will say it again, you never know how big of an impact you're making on someone just by telling them you're praying for them, and you can even tell them that you love the. If it works out that your prayers were answered and God gave you what you needed for that person, don't be afraid to say you prayed for them because you honestly don't know if they would look at that and see how great God is, and change their souls. Be bold, be courageous for God, and don't be afraid (2 Tim. 1:7).
We have one impression, one life, one impact. Let's make it good, let's make it big, let's make it righteous.
God and I love you so much, God bless you,
Wow!!! Such a timely message!!! You are right, God is coming back for those who are ready! I don't want to miss it for the world!!!