Hello everyone,
Today I would like to talk about the world wide problem everyone --yes I mean everyone-- faces at times or even all the time. Bullying. It has occurred to me that a lot more people than I thought of are getting bullied daily. I don't think that it is fair. We have all been bullied and even been the bully even if we don't want to admit or even if we don't know. I've been there. I have had to forgive a lot of people and I have had to get forgiveness from people. The thing is how we handle this delicate situation we have to handle it with a soft firmness if that makes sense. We have to stop it but not be the bully by stopping it. It's like super heroes. You fight off evil with.. well evil is what it looks like. Don't be fooled by it. Bullying is sort of the same thing. People need to know how to handle it. You don't be rude or hateful or embarrass the bully. You find the reason why it's happening. It usually has something to do with a personal issue. Not always but usually. Maybe someone called you ugly or fat or even too skinny. Let tell you something in in Genesis 1:27 it says: "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." So tell yourself you are made perfect the way you are no matter what bully comes at you. The truth is they just see that you are better than them in parts of their life and they don't like that. It may be your personality is kinder than their's or maybe your voice is softer and the words come out sweeter. They are truly jealous they don't have someone to tell them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and that they are loved no matter what they do! Don't get rude about it just know you're beautiful or handsome and God loves you no matter what. God loves the sinners just hates the sin. Bullying is a serious matter. You need to think about how you are talking to others and how you are treating them. Just because something is going on with you and a person or you're having a personal issue, don't let that affect the way you treat people. The Bible says people will know you're a Christian by the fruits you bear. If us Christians are bearing bad fruits non-believers are going to say, "Well I don't have to be a Christian if we're both doing the same things. It's just a label." You should be the one that makes people look back and think, wow she/he really stood up for me. Make people want to listen to you about The Lord. The definition of bullying is the use superior of strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. So they are already in a vulnerable position so take advantage of that in a good way. Tell those kids that are getting bullied or even the bully that God loves them. That bully is going through tough times just like the person getting bullied because there is always a reason why that person is bullying. It's because they see that you pray in situations instead of blowing up and they see they can hurt you easily because you're kind hearted. Someone sees that in them and has problems of their own. It's all a cycle. Don't be a part of the cycle unless it's the part where healing takes place but all you can do is pray God is the healer. Remember this week whether it's at work or if you're still in school or maybe just going to a friends house. God loves you and God loves them. Sometimes people just need to know they are loved and they are going to be okay.
I hope this blessed you!!
Thank you for your time and God bless you,